Results for 'William Halse Rivers Rivers'

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  1.  6
    Medicine, Magic and Religion: The Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians in London in 1915-1916.William Halse Rivers Rivers - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell. Donald Worster.William Goetzmann - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):795-796.
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    Land Between the Rivers: The Southern Illinois Country.C. William Horrell, Henry Dan Piper & John W. Voigt - 1973 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Lying in an area bounded by the Wabash, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers, the Southern Illinois country is rich in history, folklore, scenery, and natural resources. At about the latitude of southern Virginia, and extending from the flat prairie farmland of central Illinois to the rugged "Illinois Ozarks,” the area is the natural terminal boundary for hundreds of plant species reaching out to all points of the compass. It is also the oldest and most sparsely populated part of Illinois, a (...)
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    V. the river buffalo, its watershed and flow in connection with the rainfall.William B. Tripp - 1881 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 3 (2):15-19.
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    Wirth, Jason M., Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth: Reading Gary Snyder and Dōgen in an Age of Ecological Crisis: Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017, xxvi + 147 pages.William Edelglass - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (4):681-684.
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    Dicaearchus of Messana: Text, Translation, and Discussion.William W. Fortenbaugh & Eckart Schütrumpf - 2001 - Routledge.
    Dicaearchus of Messana (fl. c. 320 b.c.) was a peripatetic philosopher. Like Theophrastus of Eresus, he was a pupil of Aristotle. Dicaearchus's life is not well documented. There is no biography by Diogenes Laertius, and what the Suda offers is meager. However, it can be ascertained that a close friendship existed between Aristoxenus and Dicaearchus as both are mentioned as personal students of Aristotle. Dicaearchus lived for a time in the Peleponnesus, and in his pursuit of geographical studies and measuring (...)
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    The activist's Tao Te Ching: ancient advice for a modern revolution.William Martin - 2016 - Novato, CA: New World Library.
    Change and anger are in the air. “We are the 99%,” “black lives matter,” and “love is love” have become part of the lexicon. Previously unquestioned institutions (police, military, the NSA) are under scrutiny. Heat waves, floods, and earthquakes seem to be increasing. Could there be a silver lining? William Martin turns to the Tao Te Ching and finds that while Taoism is known for its quiet, enigmatic wisdom, the Tao can also have the cleansing force of a rushing (...)
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  8. Categories of Art and Computers: A Question of Artistic Style.William Seeley - 2017 - American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter 37 (3):9-11.
    Recent interdisciplinary research in visual stylometry employs digital image analysis algorithms to study the image features and statistics that underwrite our experience of artworks. This research brings psychologists, computer scientists, and art historians together to explore the formal image qualities that define artistic style. We introduce the field of visual stylometry, discuss it's implications for our understanding of both the nature of categories of art and the role artistic style plays in our engagement with artworks. We then discuss the results (...)
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    The phenomenology of Samuel Hearne's journey to the coppermine river (1795): Learning the arctic.William C. Horne - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (1):39 – 59.
    Recent critiques have selected textual evidence for casting Hearne as a failed narrator, because he did not live up to the mercantile or imperialist expectations for late 18th-century explorers, or as a biased narrator, because he never fully moves beyond such valuations. But if we categorize phenomenologically Hearne's experiences as a student of the Arctic throughout his four-year journey, there is more textual evidence for reading it as the account of a civilized narrator's conflicted adaptation to an indigenous society as (...)
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    Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte.William Smith - 2007 - Fisher Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this (...)
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  11. Argentina: “argenti philosophia” (Argentina y la preocupación por la plata).William R. Daros - 2004 - Enfoques 16 (1):31-46.
    The present is not determined by the past, though the latter conditions the present and pro-vides it with a frame for a possible interpretation. Within this context, the author briefly reviews the past events at the “River Plate region”, where he finds records which show a way of life and values whi..
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    The Illinois Rivers Project.Kim Niemietz, Marylin Lisowski & Robert A. Williams - 1991 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 11 (4-5):220-223.
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  13. The "No Interest" Argument Against the Rights of Nature.Neil W. Williams - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Awarding rights to rivers, forests, and other environmental entities (EEs) is a new and increasingly popular approach to environmental protection. The distinctive feature of such rights of nature (RoN) legislation is that direct duties are owed to the EEs. This paper presents a novel rebuttal of the strongest argument against RoN: the no interest argument. The crux of this argument is that because EEs are not sentient, they cannot possess the kinds of interests necessary to ground direct duties. Therefore, (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Anselm on the Trinity.William E. Mann - 2004 - In The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. Cambridge University Press.
    Anselm examines and defends the doctrine of the Trinity in three works, the ’Monologion’, ’On the Incarnation of the Word’, and ’On the Procession of the Holy Spirit’. Using the ’Monologion’ as a base, this essay connects Anselm’s doctrine of God’s metaphysical simplicity to his Trinitarian views. Anselm is concerned to avoid the heresies of Arianism, tritheism, and modalism. Because he regards the doctrine as transcending the powers of human reason and thus incapable of being proved, his argumentation proceeds by (...)
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    Selected Letters (review).William James Earle - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):479-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Selected Letters by William, Henry JamesWilliam James EarleWilliam and Henry James. Selected Letters. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley. Introduction by John J. McDermott. Charlottesville VA: University Press of Virginia, 1997. Pp. xxxi + 570. $ 39.95.Almost fifty years of letters to and from the very diversely brilliant James brothers: in this volume a generous, and probably ample, selection of 216 from a total (...)
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    The Real World of Modern Science, Medicine, and Qigong.William A. Tiller - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (5):352-361.
    Humankind is concerned with scientific enquiry because humans want to understand the milieu in which they find themselves. They want to engineer and reliably control or cooperatively modulate as much of the environment as possible to sustain, enrich, and propagate their lives. Following this path, the goal of science is to gain a reliable description of all natural phenomena so as to allow accurate prediction (within appropriate limits) of nature’s behavior as a function of an ever-changing environment. As such, science (...)
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  17. The meaning of “water”: An unsolved problem.William G. Lycan - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):184-199.
    WATER. …I. The liquid of which seas, lakes, and rivers are composed, and which falls as rain and issues from springs. When pure, it is transparent, colourless (except as seen in large quantity, when it has a blue tint), tasteless, and inodorous. --Oxford English Dictionary …the fact that an English speaker in 1750 might have called XYZ ‘water,’ whereas he or his successors would not have called XYZ water in 1800 or 1850 does not mean that the ‘meaning’ of (...)
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  18. William James's stream of consciousness and the river of the unconscious Joyce and Proust.Gian Balsamo - 2017 - In David Howell Evans (ed.), Understanding James, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury.
  19. Pocock Foucault, Forces of Reassurance.William S. Corlett - 1989 - Political Theory 17 (1):77-100.
    One cannot step twice into the same river, nor can one grasp any mortal substance in a stable condition, but it scatters and again gathers; it forms and dissolves, and approaches and departs—Heraclitus. Play is always play of absence and presence, but if one wishes to think it radically, one must think it before the alternative of presence and absence; it is necessary to think of Being as presence or absence from the possibility of play on, and not the other (...)
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  20.  38
    Re-framing Flood Control in England and Wales.J. Ivan Scrase & William R. Sheate - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (1):113 - 137.
    Traditionally floods have been understood to be acts of God or nature, with localised impacts afflicting those who choose to live or to invest capital in lowland and coastal locations. This central idea of causation, located outside human agency, survives somewhat precariously today, but is reflected in the lack of any right to protection from flooding in England and Wales. However in 1930 new legislation institutionalised a social framing of the impact of floods as part of a wider national problem. (...)
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    Chiasmic Wildness.Sean Williams - 2006 - Environmental Philosophy 3 (1):6-12.
    Whether one’s attention lies with the big wilderness outside or the wild people and places that survive amidst our ecologically impoverished cities and towns, a thorough and rigorous reflection on wildness remains as a task for environmental philosophy. The political and literary movements concerned with the wilderness have sparked passion, insight, and moments of brilliance, but by and large leave us today at best confused, and at worst naïve, with respect to our thinking of wildness. The attempts at philosophical rigor (...)
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    Celtic cosmology: perspectives from Ireland and Scotland.Ann Dooley, Séamus Mac Mathúna, Jacqueline Borsje, Gregory Toner & John William Shaw (eds.) - 2014 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
    The essays in this collection, many originally presented at a 2008 colloquium on Celtic Cosmology and the Power of Words, aim to examine the worldviews held by the Celtic peoples, particularly the Gaelic (Irish and Scottish) perspectives. Texts and inscriptions, some of them pre-Christian, in Celtic languages and in Celtic Latin provide the sources for the worldviews under study. This area of research is also linked to that of the power of words, which refers to human belief in powerful speech (...)
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  23.  43
    Population nucleation, intensive agriculture, and environmental degradation: The Cahokia example. [REVIEW]William I. Woods - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2-3):255-261.
    Cahokia, the largest pre-European settlement in North America, was situated on the Middle Mississippi River floodplain and flourished for approximately three hundred years from the 10th century AD onward. The site was favorably located from an environmental standpoint, being proximal to a diversity of microhabitats including expanses of open water and marshes from which the essential, renewable fish protein could be procured. More importantly, the largest local zone of soils characterized as optimal for prehistoric hoe cultivation lay immediately to the (...)
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    The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders. Edited by David Noel Freedman and Michael J. McClymond. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001). [REVIEW]Deborah Sommer - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):549-552.
  25. Streams and river-beds. James’ Stream of Thought in Wittgenstein’s Manuscripts 165 and 129.Anna Boncompagni - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (4):36-53.
    The influence of William James on Ludwig Wittgenstein has been widely studied, as well as the criticism that the latter addresses to the former, but one aspect that has only rarely been focused on is the two philosophers’ use of the image of the flux, stream, or river. The analysis of some notes belonging to Wittgenstein’s Nachlass support the possibility of a comparison between James’ stream of thought, as outlined in the Principles of Psychology, and Wittgenstein’s river-bed of thoughts, (...)
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    The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions, by William G. Bowen and Derek Bok. [REVIEW]Harold Orlans - 1999 - Minerva 37 (2):185-190.
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    Streams and River-Beds.Anna Bocompagni - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    The influence of William James on Ludwig Wittgenstein has been widely studied, as well as the criticism that the latter addresses to the former, but one aspect that has only rarely been focused on is the two philosophers’ use of the image of the flux, stream, or river. The analysis of some notes belonging to Wittgenstein’s Nachlass support the possibility of a comparison between James’ stream of thought, as outlined in the Principles of Psychology, and Wittgenstein’s river-bed of thoughts, (...)
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  28.  44
    The Man from Snowy River.Tom Griffiths - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 74 (1):7-20.
    George Seddon takes a cheeky pride in his native wit, in his ability to improvise, invent, and to trip lightly over difficult terrain. These are the bush virtues of the Man from Snowy River. In this essay I reflect upon the interdisciplinary (and undisciplined) nature of Seddon's vision and practice, and place him in a tradition of nature and landscape writing in Australia that goes back to the 19th century. But I also suggest that he has been ahead of his (...)
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  29.  71
    Sense of Place: A Response to an Environment: the Swan River Coastal Plain, Western Australia.George Seddon - 2022
    In 1972, George Seddon wrote Sense of Place, documenting his experience and research into the Swan Coastal Plain, which has since become a landmark Australian environmental publication. Among its claims to influence is having given modern currency to the term sense of place. Although Seddon did not coin the phrase, it was this book that introduced the phrase into the fields of landscape and environmental design. The book includes information on landforms, climate, geology, soils, flora, the Swan River, the coast, (...)
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  30.  61
    Ethics and Perinatology Amnon Goldworth, William Silverman, David K. Stevenson, and Ernie Young, Eds.; Rodney Rivers UK Advisory Ed, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, 484 pp. $54.00. [REVIEW]Samuel Gorovitz - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):473.
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  31. Poets and Rivers: Heidegger on Hölderlin’s “Der Ister”.Julian Young - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):391-.
    Between 1934 and 1942 Heidegger delivered three series of lectures on Hölderlin’s poetry. The discussion of “Der Ister” was the last of these, although Heidegger continued to think and write about Hölderlin into the 1960s. William McNeill and Julia Davis’s recent translation of the “Ister”— volume —is the first of the Hölderlin lectures to appear in English.
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    Contesting Metaphors and the Discourse of Consciousness in William James.Jill M. Kress - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (2):263-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2 (2000) 263-283 [Access article in PDF] Contesting Metaphors and the Discourse of Consciousness in William James Jill M. Kress Ah, not to be cut off,not by such slight partitionto be excluded from the stars' measure.What is inwardness?What if not sky intensified,flung through with birds and deepwith winds of homecoming? --Rainer Maria Rilke William James's lifelong attention to questions about human (...)
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    The Tragedy of Cambridge Anthropology: Edwardian Historical Thought and the Contact of Peoples.Simon Cook - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (4):541-553.
    SUMMARYThe essay identifies and explores the intellectual formation of a hitherto overlooked constellation of ‘anthropologists’ in Edwardian Cambridge. Three core members of this group were William Ridgeway, Hector Munro Chadwick, and William H. R. Rivers, who today are more normally associated with Classics, Anglo-Saxon studies, and Anthropology. However, in the decade before World War I all three were active members of the new Board of Anthropology, and each, in his particular field of study, began to turn away (...)
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  34.  21
    David L. Lentz . Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Precolumbian Americas. Foreword by, William M. Denevan. xxiv + 547 pp., illus., figs., apps., bibls., index.New York: Columbia University Press, 2000. $65, £41.50 ; $30, £19.50. [REVIEW]Thomas Whitmore - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):107-108.
    This substantial volume is dedicated to furthering an “ecological understanding of the pre‐Columbian New World by creating evaluations of prehuman vegetation and then offering discussions as to how humans became involved in local ecosystems” . These topics are timely, since the last decade has seen a flowering of debate and reconsideration of previously held views of pre‐Columbian human environmental impacts in the Americas. The book contributes to those discussions by assembling examples of the current state of knowledge of pre‐Columbian ecologies (...)
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    Pragmatism, quasi-realism, and the global challenge.David Macarthur & Huw Price - 2007 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), New pragmatists. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 91.
    William James said that sometimes detailed philosophical argument is irrelevant. Once a current of thought is really under way, trying to oppose it with argument is like planting a stick in a river to try to alter its course: “round your obstacle flows the water and ‘gets there just the same’”. He thought pragmatism was such a river. There is a contemporary river that sometimes calls itself pragmatism, although other titles are probably better. At any rate it is the (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Pragmatism, quasi-realism, and the global challenge.David Macarthur & Huw Price - 2007 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), New pragmatists. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 91.
    William James said that sometimes detailed philosophical argument is irrelevant. Once a current of thought is really under way, trying to oppose it with argument is like planting a stick in a river to try to alter its course: “round your obstacle flows the water and ‘gets there just the same’”. He thought pragmatism was such a river. There is a contemporary river that sometimes calls itself pragmatism, although other titles are probably better. At any rate it is the (...)
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  37.  43
    Reviews. [REVIEW]James M. Gustafson - 1979 - Heythrop Journal 20 (4):421–460.
    Authority in Morals: An Essay in Christian Ethics. By Gerard J. Hughes On Human Nature. By Edward O. Wilson Democracy and Ethical Life. By Claes G. Ryn The Foundations of Modern Political Thought. By Quentin Skinner. 2 vols. Phenomenology and the Social World: the Philosophy of Merleau‐Ponty and its Relation to the Social Conscience. By Laurie Spurting Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies. By Ted Benton Christianity and the World Order. By Edward Norman. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979, £3.50. The (...)
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  38. "The Mother-tongue of Thought": James and Wittgenstein on common sense: A Língua-mãe do Pensamento: James e Wittgenstein sobre o senso-comum.Anna Boncompagni - 2012 - Cognitio 13 (1):37-59.
    “Our later and more critical philosophies are mere fads and fancies compared with this natural mother-tongue of thought”, says William James in his lecture on common sense. The deep bond connecting language, common sense and nature is also one of the main concerns of the later Wittgenstein. The aim of this paper is to compare the two philosophers in this respect, particularly focusing on James’ Pragmatism and on Wittgenstein’s On Certainty. Similarities, but also differences, will be highlighted. A further (...)
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  39. Robustness, Reliability, and Overdetermination (1981).William C. Wimsatt - 2012 - In Lena Soler (ed.), Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 61-78.
    The use of multiple means of determination to “triangulate” on the existence and character of a common phenomenon, object, or result has had a long tradition in science but has seldom been a matter of primary focus. As with many traditions, it is traceable to Aristotle, who valued having multiple explanations of a phenomenon, and it may also be involved in his distinction between special objects of sense and common sensibles. It is implicit though not emphasized in the distinction between (...)
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  40. Discovering Cell Mechanisms: The Creation of Modern Cell Biology.William Bechtel - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (1):185-187.
    Between 1940 and 1970 pioneers in the new field of cell biology discovered the operative parts of cells and their contributions to cell life. They offered mechanistic accounts that explained cellular phenomena by identifying the relevant parts of cells, the biochemical operations they performed, and the way in which these parts and operations were organised to accomplish important functions. Cell biology was a revolutionary science but in this book it also provides fuel for yet another revolution, one that focuses on (...)
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    Analytic theology and the academic study of religion.William Wood - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Analytic theology can flourish in the secular academy, and flourish as authentically Christian theology. Analytic Theology and the Academic Study of Religion explains analytic theology to other theologians and scholars of religion, while simultaneously explaining those other fields to analytic theologians. William Wood defends analytic theology from some common criticisms, but also argues that analytic theologians have much to learn from other forms of inquiry. Analytic theology is a legitimate form of theology, and a legitimate form of academic inquiry, (...)
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    (1 other version)On the philosophy of discovery.William Whewell - 1860 - New York,: B. Franklin.
    Reprint of the original, first published in 1860.
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    Physical Theory and its Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Bub.William Demopoulos & Itamar Pitowsky (eds.) - 2006 - Springer.
    The essays in this volume were written by leading researchers on classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, quantum theory, and relativity. They detail central topics in the foundations of physics, including the role of symmetry principles in classical and quantum physics, Einstein's hole argument in general relativity, quantum mechanics and special relativity, quantum correlations, quantum logic, and quantum probability and information.
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    Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured Wealth: On Universities and the Wealth of Nations.William Warren Bartley - 1990 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    This work opens with a development of the notion of Unfathomed Knowledge, which Bartley makes clear by using it to explain such recent scientific advances as the development of drugs for the treatment of AIDS, and by showing its implications for such far-flung fields as the Marxist theory of alienation, the sociology of knowledge, patent law, and morality.
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    Logicism and its Philosophical Legacy.William Demopoulos - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The idea that mathematics is reducible to logic has a long history, but it was Frege who gave logicism an articulation and defense that transformed it into a distinctive philosophical thesis with a profound influence on the development of philosophy in the twentieth century. This volume of classic, revised and newly written essays by William Demopoulos examines logicism's principal legacy for philosophy: its elaboration of notions of analysis and reconstruction. The essays reflect on the deployment of these ideas by (...)
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    Replacement of Auxiliary Expressions.William Craig - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (1):38-55.
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    Some Beliefs about Justice.William K. Frankena - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1961, given by William K. Frankena, an American philosopher.
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    Essays, comments, and reviews.William James - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This generous omnium-gatherum brings together all the writings William James published that have not appeared in previous volumes of this definitive edition of ...
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    Charity: The Practice of Neighborliness.William F. Wunsch & William Ross Woofenden (eds.) - 1995 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Charity is not only about giving to those in need, but in a broader sense about loving your neighbor and doing good things for other people without thought of reward. So wrote Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, who believed that charity, along with faiths, was part of the foundation of spiritual practice. This work combines two of Swedenborg's unpublished manuscripts to form a practical, inspirational handbook for appying the principle of doing good to daily life.
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  50. A Feeling in Our Bones Robert M. Anderson and Demetria CQ Leong.William Butler Yeats - 1989 - In Mary Lou Maxwell & Wade C. Savage (eds.), Science, Mind, and Psychology: Essays in Honor of Grover Maxwell. Upa.
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